
Friday, May 7, 2010

Always in a hurry

It seems like I'm always in a hurry.

Take today, for instance. I get up, expecting a nice, leisurely Friday in which I happen to have no school (faculty meetings FTW). I plan on getting up sometime between 10:00 and 11:00. After that, all I want is to finish up The Red Pyramid (new Rick Riordan release! AHHHH), do my history assignment, and after that... not much. Toss another post up here, check Goodreads, see if I won a Friday Award, watch some Avatar: The Last Airbender. All in all, a nice, relaxing day.

Did I get it?

Of course not! That would be much too easy.

Instead, my mom forces me to get up at 9:30, then do history homework as fast as possible because WE MUST GO SHOPPING RIGHT NOW. (Still not done, even though it is now... 4:54.) After that, we picked up my sister from school (not bad), but then I suddenly have to rush to finish homework because... we're going out to dinner with my parents' friend? What?! WHY did no one tell me this?

Because that would be MUCH TOO EASY.

Sometimes I think my parents say to each other, "Hey, let's ask [insert friend's name here] to dinner on Friday. We should tell Nightshade, since today is Wednesday... nah, let's just tell her thirty minutes before [friend] gets to the house! And we know that she NEVER has any plans for herself! No, never! Why would she do that? She's a teenager! Teenagers don't do anything except eat, sleep, and go to school!"

So now I have to go finish my history assignment before my parents' friend gets here. No worries, I'll be back to the usual upbeat/chipper/happy/joyous/thrilling/uplifting/inspiring posts tomorrow, as always.



  1. It's even more annoying when they yell at you to be ready, you're ready and waiting, and it takes another half hour for them to get ready. And then they always blame being late on you.

    I'm always in a hurry and I don't even know what for. I end up forgetting some vital step in the process of trying to be somewhere else and then waste more time to fix it.

  2. No. Way. That happens to me ALL THE TIME! I'll be sitting in the car, all ready and waiting, and then fifteen minutes later they come downstairs. Then when we're late, they yell at ME for not being on time...

  3. Does it make any sense? NO! If you point that out they just say that if you'd been ready earlier, so would they. o.O

    Also, what is Goodreads? If it's related to reading, sounds awesome :D The name sounds familiar actually, I just don't recall quite what it is. *goes to google*

    You'd think for always being in a hurry I'd get more done...but no. I get up super early on weekends but really it just gives me more time to procrastinate.

  4. I sleep late on weekends. Heheheh. :D

    Goodreads is my LIFE.


    Just kidding! (Not really.) Technically, it's a site for book recommendations. You can add books to your own little "bookshelf" so other people can see what you've read, and then you can rate books and write reviews and compare with other people. There are also groups that are probably supposed to be there for logical, intelligent discussions about reading, but... well... most are just random. (At least, mine are.) Most of the people are super nice and it's supersupersuper funnnnn :D

    Oh, and all the links that are in the sidebar under "books I've reviewed so far" are to the books' Goodreads pages.


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