<-- Look! It's... The Red Pyramid! AAAHHHHHHHHHH!!
In case you haven't noticed, I'm quite excited about this. I mean, I've only waited a YEAR for another Rick Riordan book. Now, I suppose I should give this a proper review...
Rick Riordan, the author of the Percy Jackson and the Olympians series, has just released a new book (and by "just released," I mean "four days ago")- The Red Pyramid, the first book of a planned series, The Kane Chronicles. Instead of centering on Greek mythology, this series focuses on the Egyptian gods and mythology.
Carter and Sadie Kane have lived apart since their mother's death six years ago. Carter travels the world with their father, a renowned Egyptologist, while Sadie lives in London with their grandparents. They almost never see each other and have almost nothing in common... until one day, their father takes them to the British Museum. He summons a mysterious, glowing figure, which in turn blows up the museum and makes their father disappear.
Carter and Sadie both know that they have to save their father, but there's a factor neither of them expected. The ancient Egyptian gods are rising, and one- Set- has his own plans for the fate of the world. On top of that, the ancient magicians of the House of Life decide to reveal themselves. Now Carter and Sadie have a nice list of things to do:
* Save their father
* Stop Set from carrying out his plans
* Get the House of Life to stop trying to kill them
* Save the world
When you read this, you will definitely NOT be disappointed. :D
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