
Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Well then.

No new posts in the Saga today- too much homework. DARN YOU, HISTORY CLASS. *shuns*

But anyway, I've been thinking about this blog, and I feel kind of like a self-centered, conceited jerk who loves talking about herself, because oh my goodness, obviously everyone else must care about what she has to say! Of course!

(It's a bad thing.)

So I'm rethinking the Saga a teensy bit. I'll still put up the rest (probably?), but I'll focus less on my own random thoughts and more on what actually happened (because honestly, it's pretty freaking hilarious).

But seriously, I need opinions. Should I even continue the mini-series or not? I mean, I don't have to. If it sounds really lame/boring/conceited/selfish/just crappy in general, just say so. (Seriously, I won't be offended.) Or if you think it sounds remotely interesting/funny, let me know, too!

(This will require leaving a comment, dudes.)


Saga: Yes or no?

UPDATE: I shortened Part I just now. I reread it and decided that it kind of dragged in a few parts, so I took out a bit. No worries, you guys aren't missing anything. I promise.


  1. I think you ought to continute it!

    That's something I've found annoying with blogging; I hate having to write something about myself.

    But mini series are always good ideas :D

  2. Ja, I know. Sometimes I feel all inspired to write (usually when I'm on a caffeine high or something), but then sometimes I think "I'm a conceited jerkface who loves hearing herself talk! Aahhh! Noooo!"

    And okay, I'll probably continue. :) I can't write any today- I have a 900-word essay to write. ACK!


If you comment, I will love you. Forever. Non-creepily and entirely platonically, of course.