Well, the title's true.
I CANNOT THINK OF ANYTHING TO WRITE (for the Saga, at least).
I know, I know. There's no such thing as writer's block, suck it up and write, get over it, blah blah- I GET IT. I just CANNOT WRITE TODAY.
Well, now that that's been settled.
If there are any Avatar: The Last Airbender fans out there, they just redid the movie website and it is OMG AMAZING. (I have it open in another tab! Squee!)
There's also a lovely update about it on YouTube from Jeff Palmer, the guy who did all the other updates where he micro-analyzed every single thing ever released about the TLA movie.
In other news...
-My Internet connection is horrible today
-Finished a new picture that I can hopefully upload to deviantART soon
-Working on an anti-Twilight pic, too
-Wouldn't let a friend borrow my copy of Frankenstein for the summer, because I can't possibly go without Victor's amazingness for an entire summer
And I may post tomorrow, but Tuesday through Thursday? Nothing new. See, there's this thing called finals...
A blog that used to be about book recommendations, but now is comprised entirely of random information that flies through a not-so-average human female's head
Sunday, May 30, 2010
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
It's probably because you're BRITISH.
Sorry. I just had to throw the reference into the post title. (I'm so clever. AHAHAHAHA.)
Anyway, I'm not going to- wait. OH MY GOODNESS, South Africa's official website uses the British spelling of "organization." It says "organisation." Well... it's either the British spelling or a typo, because my (American) Mac is spell-checking it right now. It's more like "OMG YOU MUST FIX THIS GRIEVOUS SPELLING ERROR OR THIS COMPUTER WILL EXPLODE IN YOUR FACE."
If the computer really did that every time it spell-checked a word, it would be bad.
I mean, it spell-checks "Quidditch" and "Hogwarts" and- WAIT. It doesn't spell-check Hogwarts. HA! I KNEW IT WAS REAL! I KNEW IT!!
I go a little crazy under stress. Can you tell?
So, back to the original reason I was going to post (before my yet-to-be-diagnosed ADHD led me wildly off-track to spell-check and Harry Potter).
PRO: I have no homework aaalllllllll this week! Yaaay!
CON: It's because finals are aallllll next week! Noooo!
PRO: After I get through finals, it's SUMMER!
CON: Getting to summer requires surviving through finals. Right now, the future is... iffy, at best.
So, there you have it. I'm being dragged under the Finals Bus, and it's a one-way ticket to Stress-Induced Insanity...town. Insanitytown. ROIGHT. (No, that is not a typo.)
And with that, I leave. GIEBELHAUS! (I have no idea what that means. What language is that? What does it mean? Does it mean anything? Is it even a real word?)
The stress bunnies are eating my brain.
Anyway, I'm not going to- wait. OH MY GOODNESS, South Africa's official website uses the British spelling of "organization." It says "organisation." Well... it's either the British spelling or a typo, because my (American) Mac is spell-checking it right now. It's more like "OMG YOU MUST FIX THIS GRIEVOUS SPELLING ERROR OR THIS COMPUTER WILL EXPLODE IN YOUR FACE."
If the computer really did that every time it spell-checked a word, it would be bad.
I mean, it spell-checks "Quidditch" and "Hogwarts" and- WAIT. It doesn't spell-check Hogwarts. HA! I KNEW IT WAS REAL! I KNEW IT!!
I go a little crazy under stress. Can you tell?
So, back to the original reason I was going to post (before my yet-to-be-diagnosed ADHD led me wildly off-track to spell-check and Harry Potter).
PRO: I have no homework aaalllllllll this week! Yaaay!
CON: It's because finals are aallllll next week! Noooo!
PRO: After I get through finals, it's SUMMER!
CON: Getting to summer requires surviving through finals. Right now, the future is... iffy, at best.
So, there you have it. I'm being dragged under the Finals Bus, and it's a one-way ticket to Stress-Induced Insanity...town. Insanitytown. ROIGHT. (No, that is not a typo.)
And with that, I leave. GIEBELHAUS! (I have no idea what that means. What language is that? What does it mean? Does it mean anything? Is it even a real word?)
The stress bunnies are eating my brain.
Saturday, May 22, 2010
The Saga of Freakish Salsa, Part II
As I conjugate verbs into the past-preterite form and fantasize about The Last Airbender, I present to you...
Part II: In which I am warned of the dangers of The Salsa, and give an eyewitness account to its effects (no exaggerations included).
(Fast-forward to a bit later, when I'm actually at my friend's house.)
First of all, we spent quite a few too many minutes driving around a very dark, unfamiliar neighborhood in complete confusion. It sounded like
"I don't see any house numbers at all. It's too dark."
"Have they ever heard of streetlamps?"
"I guess not. Do you see it?"
"No. Do you?"
"No. Do you?"
And eventually:
Except that last part was in my head. I was about thisclose to screaming at the top of my lungs, though. But after all that, we finally found the house. (Of course, they turned on the front light after we'd spent fifteen minutes driving in circles trying to find the house.)
The first things that were said once I got in the door:
"Hey, Nightshade!"
"Glad you made it."
"Heh, yeah. Almost got lost seventeen times, but we got here all right."
"Heh, sorry about that."
Immediately following that, a very short boy of approximately eleven years old (that I'd never seen before) ran up to me and tugged on my arm.
"Eh?" I said. "What?" (Well, it was better than "Who the heck are you?", which was what I was thinking. But that would've been quite rude.)
He pulled on my arm again, so I bent down (he was a short kid). "Don't eat the salsa, okay? It's mild," he whispered, then smiled in a way that I generally associate with chainsaw murders and exploding wedding cakes. A smile like that, coupled with the command "Don't eat the salsa," is quite frightening, especially when you have no idea who the kid is.
"Uh... why?" I said. I noticed that my friend was staring at the kid with a go-away-NOW! expression that's generally applied to younger siblings.
The kid pulls me a few feet away from my friend, then makes me bend down so he can tell me.
"I made it super spicy," he giggled. "Like, super super really extra-spicy."
"Uh," I said.
"Want to know how I made it?" His whole face lit up, like he'd just won the contest for a year's supply of Pixy Stix.
"Um... sure?"
Just then, my friend tried to step in with "Uh, hey, you don't have to-", which was interrupted with "Shhh! Go away for a second! I gotta tell her something!"
"I put in green peppers, and some garlic stuff, and cayan pepper-"
"You put cayan pepper in salsa?!"
"Yeah. A LOT of it, too." At this point, I could only stare at him.
"But... why?"
"Because [my friend] can eat really spicy stuff, and I wanted to see if he could eat it."
"Oh. Um... that's interesting."
"Yeah. So it's mild, okay?"
"Okay. And by mild, you mean mild, right?" (I put air quotes around "mild.")
"Yeah." (Another evil chainsaw grin.)
"Okay. I'll... uh... stay away from it."
Then my friend pulled the kid away and told him to leave. "That's my brother," he explained.
"Ah," I said. "That explains it."
At this point, I noticed another of my friends staggering around the kitchen, gasping for air. I also noticed that his face was unusually red.
"Uh," I said. "What's with Bob?" (Not his real name.)
The kid smiled.
"He ate the salsa," he said.
Bob was now chugging a glass of milk while some other guys stood next to him and laughed hysterically.
"Oh," I said. "That's some strong salsa."
"Oh, no," the kid said. "It's mild, remember?"
I watched as Bob tried to scrub his tongue at the sink. He also attempted mouthwash.
"Dude," my friend said. "How long's it been since you ate the salsa? Like... five minutes? Ten?"
"At least ten," someone else said.
"It's been ten minutes?!" I said. I was starting to seriously worry about the state of my health while inside the house.
I looked at the kid, who was giggling so much I thought he'd explode.
"You're evil," I said. "The salsa's that bad?"
"Thanks. And yeah, it is."
About five minutes after all that, after my mom had left, Bob was mostly recovered from The Salsa.
"Hey," I said.
"Hi," he wheezed. (Seriously, he did.)
"How's the salsa?" I asked. He just coughed and shook his head.
Needless to say, no one else had any salsa. Except...
"Dude." (Friend of a friend.)
"What?" (The original friend who invited me.)
"You should eat the salsa."
"What? No! I saw Bob eat it! I'm not stupid."
"Yeah, yeah! Eat it!" (The kid was back.)
"No way!"
Then the kid ran over to the table, where another guy was staring at The Salsa in complete awe. He grabbed a chip and piled a giant scoop of salsa onto it, then held it up.
"EAT IT!" he yelled, as only little brothers can.
"NO!" my friend yelled back.
"No. Not that much, anyway."
"Wait, so you'll try some?"
"Fine. Sure."
"Dude," I said. "You're going to eat The Salsa?! You saw what happened to Bob!"
He shrugged.
"Sure," he said. "A tiny bit."
I swear he touched the corner of a chip to the salsa, then walked back and showed all of us. It was probably about a millimeter or two wide.
"Here we go," he said.
"Dear God, please don't eat that," I said.
"Do it!" his friend yelled.
"Seriously, don't-"
He ate it.
We all stared at him, waiting for him to scream in pain and run for the kitchen for some milk.
He didn't say anything.
"Well?" someone said. "Is it good?"
Still no answer.
"Watch, watch," the same guy said. "He's going to be all manly and not say anything, but then he's going to walk away and be like 'Ahh! Ahh! It burns! Ahh!'" (At this point, he staggered around, gasping and holding his neck.)
My friend started to walk away.
We started laughing really hard.
But then he came back.
"Just kidding," he said.
"WHAT?! How are you not dying?"
He shrugged. "I dunno. It's not that bad."
There was some general staring all around.
"You're insane," I said.
"Yeah, pretty much," he said.
Part II: In which I am warned of the dangers of The Salsa, and give an eyewitness account to its effects (no exaggerations included).
(Fast-forward to a bit later, when I'm actually at my friend's house.)
First of all, we spent quite a few too many minutes driving around a very dark, unfamiliar neighborhood in complete confusion. It sounded like
"I don't see any house numbers at all. It's too dark."
"Have they ever heard of streetlamps?"
"I guess not. Do you see it?"
"No. Do you?"
"No. Do you?"
And eventually:
Except that last part was in my head. I was about thisclose to screaming at the top of my lungs, though. But after all that, we finally found the house. (Of course, they turned on the front light after we'd spent fifteen minutes driving in circles trying to find the house.)
The first things that were said once I got in the door:
"Hey, Nightshade!"
"Glad you made it."
"Heh, yeah. Almost got lost seventeen times, but we got here all right."
"Heh, sorry about that."
Immediately following that, a very short boy of approximately eleven years old (that I'd never seen before) ran up to me and tugged on my arm.
"Eh?" I said. "What?" (Well, it was better than "Who the heck are you?", which was what I was thinking. But that would've been quite rude.)
He pulled on my arm again, so I bent down (he was a short kid). "Don't eat the salsa, okay? It's mild," he whispered, then smiled in a way that I generally associate with chainsaw murders and exploding wedding cakes. A smile like that, coupled with the command "Don't eat the salsa," is quite frightening, especially when you have no idea who the kid is.
"Uh... why?" I said. I noticed that my friend was staring at the kid with a go-away-NOW! expression that's generally applied to younger siblings.
The kid pulls me a few feet away from my friend, then makes me bend down so he can tell me.
"I made it super spicy," he giggled. "Like, super super really extra-spicy."
"Uh," I said.
"Want to know how I made it?" His whole face lit up, like he'd just won the contest for a year's supply of Pixy Stix.
"Um... sure?"
Just then, my friend tried to step in with "Uh, hey, you don't have to-", which was interrupted with "Shhh! Go away for a second! I gotta tell her something!"
"I put in green peppers, and some garlic stuff, and cayan pepper-"
"You put cayan pepper in salsa?!"
"Yeah. A LOT of it, too." At this point, I could only stare at him.
"But... why?"
"Because [my friend] can eat really spicy stuff, and I wanted to see if he could eat it."
"Oh. Um... that's interesting."
"Yeah. So it's mild, okay?"
"Okay. And by mild, you mean mild, right?" (I put air quotes around "mild.")
"Yeah." (Another evil chainsaw grin.)
"Okay. I'll... uh... stay away from it."
Then my friend pulled the kid away and told him to leave. "That's my brother," he explained.
"Ah," I said. "That explains it."
At this point, I noticed another of my friends staggering around the kitchen, gasping for air. I also noticed that his face was unusually red.
"Uh," I said. "What's with Bob?" (Not his real name.)
The kid smiled.
"He ate the salsa," he said.
Bob was now chugging a glass of milk while some other guys stood next to him and laughed hysterically.
"Oh," I said. "That's some strong salsa."
"Oh, no," the kid said. "It's mild, remember?"
I watched as Bob tried to scrub his tongue at the sink. He also attempted mouthwash.
"Dude," my friend said. "How long's it been since you ate the salsa? Like... five minutes? Ten?"
"At least ten," someone else said.
"It's been ten minutes?!" I said. I was starting to seriously worry about the state of my health while inside the house.
I looked at the kid, who was giggling so much I thought he'd explode.
"You're evil," I said. "The salsa's that bad?"
"Thanks. And yeah, it is."
About five minutes after all that, after my mom had left, Bob was mostly recovered from The Salsa.
"Hey," I said.
"Hi," he wheezed. (Seriously, he did.)
"How's the salsa?" I asked. He just coughed and shook his head.
Needless to say, no one else had any salsa. Except...
"Dude." (Friend of a friend.)
"What?" (The original friend who invited me.)
"You should eat the salsa."
"What? No! I saw Bob eat it! I'm not stupid."
"Yeah, yeah! Eat it!" (The kid was back.)
"No way!"
Then the kid ran over to the table, where another guy was staring at The Salsa in complete awe. He grabbed a chip and piled a giant scoop of salsa onto it, then held it up.
"EAT IT!" he yelled, as only little brothers can.
"NO!" my friend yelled back.
"No. Not that much, anyway."
"Wait, so you'll try some?"
"Fine. Sure."
"Dude," I said. "You're going to eat The Salsa?! You saw what happened to Bob!"
He shrugged.
"Sure," he said. "A tiny bit."
I swear he touched the corner of a chip to the salsa, then walked back and showed all of us. It was probably about a millimeter or two wide.
"Here we go," he said.
"Dear God, please don't eat that," I said.
"Do it!" his friend yelled.
"Seriously, don't-"
He ate it.
We all stared at him, waiting for him to scream in pain and run for the kitchen for some milk.
He didn't say anything.
"Well?" someone said. "Is it good?"
Still no answer.
"Watch, watch," the same guy said. "He's going to be all manly and not say anything, but then he's going to walk away and be like 'Ahh! Ahh! It burns! Ahh!'" (At this point, he staggered around, gasping and holding his neck.)
My friend started to walk away.
We started laughing really hard.
But then he came back.
"Just kidding," he said.
"WHAT?! How are you not dying?"
He shrugged. "I dunno. It's not that bad."
There was some general staring all around.
"You're insane," I said.
"Yeah, pretty much," he said.
Thursday, May 20, 2010
Oh, goodness. Wow.
I just have to post this. I really do.
@sky: um, yeah, remember when i ate you?
WHOA WAIT SKY GOT EATEN? Geez, hanini. Didn't know you had it in you.
@nightshade: yes, hanini ate me. then puked because she said I tasted bad. can you think of anything more insulting?
@night: well the first thing he said to me on facebook was 'don't eat me please'. what's a girl supposed to do??? not eat him??
I freaking love SparkNotes.
Thanks to skysquirrel417 and hanini_panini for letting me market you two as cannibals on my blog. Love you guys! We should have midnight conversations more often.
UPDATE: Only hanini is a cannibal. Sky was the helpless victim. Or something.
@sky: um, yeah, remember when i ate you?
WHOA WAIT SKY GOT EATEN? Geez, hanini. Didn't know you had it in you.
@nightshade: yes, hanini ate me. then puked because she said I tasted bad. can you think of anything more insulting?
@night: well the first thing he said to me on facebook was 'don't eat me please'. what's a girl supposed to do??? not eat him??
I freaking love SparkNotes.
Thanks to skysquirrel417 and hanini_panini for letting me market you two as cannibals on my blog. Love you guys! We should have midnight conversations more often.
UPDATE: Only hanini is a cannibal. Sky was the helpless victim. Or something.
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
A very small update... thingy.
A small update before I stop procrastinating and actually do some homework.
Today, I have a 900-word essay to write, so no new Saga posts. However, I'll probably post some more either tomorrow or Friday. There'll also definitely be some new stuff up this weekend, too. (Yay!)
The poll is right over there, if you would like to VOTE. ----->
On a more random note, I had a cupcake today in art class. It was awesome. Everyone had bright pink teeth afterward, but no one really cared, because... well... there were CUPCAKES. And they were GOOD. And they were FREE.
Nightshade + art class + architecture + iPod + cupcake = very very happy
A small update before I stop procrastinating and actually do some homework.
Today, I have a 900-word essay to write, so no new Saga posts. However, I'll probably post some more either tomorrow or Friday. There'll also definitely be some new stuff up this weekend, too. (Yay!)
The poll is right over there, if you would like to VOTE. ----->
On a more random note, I had a cupcake today in art class. It was awesome. Everyone had bright pink teeth afterward, but no one really cared, because... well... there were CUPCAKES. And they were GOOD. And they were FREE.
Nightshade + art class + architecture + iPod + cupcake = very very happy
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
Well then.
No new posts in the Saga today- too much homework. DARN YOU, HISTORY CLASS. *shuns*
But anyway, I've been thinking about this blog, and I feel kind of like a self-centered, conceited jerk who loves talking about herself, because oh my goodness, obviously everyone else must care about what she has to say! Of course!
(It's a bad thing.)
So I'm rethinking the Saga a teensy bit. I'll still put up the rest (probably?), but I'll focus less on my own random thoughts and more on what actually happened (because honestly, it's pretty freaking hilarious).
But seriously, I need opinions. Should I even continue the mini-series or not? I mean, I don't have to. If it sounds really lame/boring/conceited/selfish/just crappy in general, just say so. (Seriously, I won't be offended.) Or if you think it sounds remotely interesting/funny, let me know, too!
(This will require leaving a comment, dudes.)
Saga: Yes or no?
UPDATE: I shortened Part I just now. I reread it and decided that it kind of dragged in a few parts, so I took out a bit. No worries, you guys aren't missing anything. I promise.
But anyway, I've been thinking about this blog, and I feel kind of like a self-centered, conceited jerk who loves talking about herself, because oh my goodness, obviously everyone else must care about what she has to say! Of course!
(It's a bad thing.)
So I'm rethinking the Saga a teensy bit. I'll still put up the rest (probably?), but I'll focus less on my own random thoughts and more on what actually happened (because honestly, it's pretty freaking hilarious).
But seriously, I need opinions. Should I even continue the mini-series or not? I mean, I don't have to. If it sounds really lame/boring/conceited/selfish/just crappy in general, just say so. (Seriously, I won't be offended.) Or if you think it sounds remotely interesting/funny, let me know, too!
(This will require leaving a comment, dudes.)
Saga: Yes or no?
UPDATE: I shortened Part I just now. I reread it and decided that it kind of dragged in a few parts, so I took out a bit. No worries, you guys aren't missing anything. I promise.
Monday, May 17, 2010
The Saga of Freakish Salsa and Exploding Soda... PART I.
While I struggle through extremely difficult math homework, I realize that I can't get one particular day (er... evening?) out of my head. It's probably the most fun I've ever had in three hours (other than, like, Disneyland), so I thought, "Hey, I should blog about this! It's funny and really random and contains information about freakishly spicy salsa!"
So after that, I HAD to blog about it, of course. I mean, who doesn't love hearing about freakishly spicy salsa?! (Jerks, that's who. Or normal people, I guess.)
It's a pretty long story, so instead of doing one, gigantic, eye-shriveling post, I'll split it into parts. Yaaay! It's a whole mini-series of blog posts! I'll call it... The Saga of Freakish Salsa and Exploding Soda. (Erm... long story. You'll see.) I have no idea how many parts it'll be, but no worries, you guys will definitely be entertained.
And with that, let the saga COMMENCE!!
I suppose we should start with the day before.
I was at school, working a fundraiser for our team. Me and two of my teammates were wandering in circles around the school, trying to get rid of all the little flyers because there were like 70 of them and we had nowhere to put them.
Our sales pitch, and the usual response:
"Hey, you! In the red! You want a candy cane?"
"Uh..." [confused stare]
"It's free."
"Cool. Take a flyer, too."
"Uh..." [More confused staring.]
"It's for the golf team. We're doing a fundraiser. Just take the candy and then give your parents the flyer."
"Oh. Uh, okay."
So we were walking around, giving people candy canes and postcards, and then my phone rang and it was one of my friends. (Shut up, Tracy. His name is not Adam.)
Anyway, I picked up, and one of the most awkward conversations I've ever had followed. But here's the thing: The actual dialogue that was spoken wasn't awkward. Usually, we talk easily, because we both like to talk about really strange things. But for me, it was super awkward. Why? Because my two teammates were standing there, smiling evilly, saying "Hey, Nightshade. Who's that? Huh? Who are you talking to? It sounds like a guy. Is it a guy? Oh my gosh, it totally is. Oooh. Who is it? Do you like him? What are you talking about?" while I glare at them and make the universal shut-up-right-now throat-slashing sign at them.
Kind of like this:
"So, um, I should go now. I'll ask my mom about tomorrow."
[Teammates: "Tomorrow? What's happening tomorrow? Is something happening tomorrow? Ooooh!"]
"Okay, cool. Have fun ambushing people."
"Heh, thanks. I definitely will."
[Teammates: "Will what? You'll what?"
Me, covering phone: "Shut up! I said we're ambushing people for the fundraiser!"
Teammates: "Oh."]
"Nothing. Anyway, talk to you later."
[Teammates: "Oh, yeah. You'll definitely talk to him later."]
And then a very awkward exchange that I thought only existed in the magic metal boxes we call "television," that went like this:
"Okay, bye-"
"I'll call back late- wait, what?"
"Wait, what were you going to say? I was going to-"
"I was going to call back- wait, what?"
"Agh! I'm sorr-"
"Sorry, wha-"
Then I look over at my friends, and they're standing there smirking in a I-know-something-you-don't-know way. Then one of my friends looks at me, puts on her best seductive voice, and goes:
"You gonna text him later?"
(Replace that first T with an S.)
***END PART I***
So after that, I HAD to blog about it, of course. I mean, who doesn't love hearing about freakishly spicy salsa?! (Jerks, that's who. Or normal people, I guess.)
It's a pretty long story, so instead of doing one, gigantic, eye-shriveling post, I'll split it into parts. Yaaay! It's a whole mini-series of blog posts! I'll call it... The Saga of Freakish Salsa and Exploding Soda. (Erm... long story. You'll see.) I have no idea how many parts it'll be, but no worries, you guys will definitely be entertained.
And with that, let the saga COMMENCE!!
I suppose we should start with the day before.
I was at school, working a fundraiser for our team. Me and two of my teammates were wandering in circles around the school, trying to get rid of all the little flyers because there were like 70 of them and we had nowhere to put them.
Our sales pitch, and the usual response:
"Hey, you! In the red! You want a candy cane?"
"Uh..." [confused stare]
"It's free."
"Cool. Take a flyer, too."
"Uh..." [More confused staring.]
"It's for the golf team. We're doing a fundraiser. Just take the candy and then give your parents the flyer."
"Oh. Uh, okay."
So we were walking around, giving people candy canes and postcards, and then my phone rang and it was one of my friends. (Shut up, Tracy. His name is not Adam.)
Anyway, I picked up, and one of the most awkward conversations I've ever had followed. But here's the thing: The actual dialogue that was spoken wasn't awkward. Usually, we talk easily, because we both like to talk about really strange things. But for me, it was super awkward. Why? Because my two teammates were standing there, smiling evilly, saying "Hey, Nightshade. Who's that? Huh? Who are you talking to? It sounds like a guy. Is it a guy? Oh my gosh, it totally is. Oooh. Who is it? Do you like him? What are you talking about?" while I glare at them and make the universal shut-up-right-now throat-slashing sign at them.
Kind of like this:
"So, um, I should go now. I'll ask my mom about tomorrow."
[Teammates: "Tomorrow? What's happening tomorrow? Is something happening tomorrow? Ooooh!"]
"Okay, cool. Have fun ambushing people."
"Heh, thanks. I definitely will."
[Teammates: "Will what? You'll what?"
Me, covering phone: "Shut up! I said we're ambushing people for the fundraiser!"
Teammates: "Oh."]
"Nothing. Anyway, talk to you later."
[Teammates: "Oh, yeah. You'll definitely talk to him later."]
And then a very awkward exchange that I thought only existed in the magic metal boxes we call "television," that went like this:
"Okay, bye-"
"I'll call back late- wait, what?"
"Wait, what were you going to say? I was going to-"
"I was going to call back- wait, what?"
"Agh! I'm sorr-"
"Sorry, wha-"
Then I look over at my friends, and they're standing there smirking in a I-know-something-you-don't-know way. Then one of my friends looks at me, puts on her best seductive voice, and goes:
"You gonna text him later?"
(Replace that first T with an S.)
***END PART I***
Some new things
A few new things before the storm of posts.
1) New poll up! I can't stop thinking about the wasabi I ate on Sunday night. (I had Japanese food.) Note to self: Make sure to get the wasabi off the chopsticks BEFORE you put the chopsticks in your mouth... unless, of course, you enjoy the feeling that the taste buds on your tongue are ON FIRE.
2) New page up, too. It's the "About" page. Completely pointless? Yes. Why? Because I was bored, okay? (Okay.) Moving on!
3) I forgot what I was going to say.
1) New poll up! I can't stop thinking about the wasabi I ate on Sunday night. (I had Japanese food.) Note to self: Make sure to get the wasabi off the chopsticks BEFORE you put the chopsticks in your mouth... unless, of course, you enjoy the feeling that the taste buds on your tongue are ON FIRE.
2) New page up, too. It's the "About" page. Completely pointless? Yes. Why? Because I was bored, okay? (Okay.) Moving on!
3) I forgot what I was going to say.
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
The first-ever superpoll
And now it's time for... the poll results!
So for the first-ever poll on my blog, I polled about... Twilight. (Aaaggghhhh!) I figured, "Hey, everyone's read Twilight, so I'll talk about it! Whee!"
Epic failure.
But hey, you guys voted on the poll anyway! YEAH!!
Also, for this poll, the results might be a little skewed, because I made it possible to pick more than one option. I probably won't do that in the future, but I dunno. It all depends on the poll question, the mood I'm in, how much caffeine I've consumed in the past 24 hours... you know, the usual.
Question: Which out of the Twilight series did you think was best?
16% of superpollers (1 person) said that they've never read the series, so they didn't know. (Consider yourself lucky.)
33% (two) of you guys said that New Moon was the best.
33% (two) said that Eclipse was the best. (WHY?! It was so pointless! Bleah!)
50% (three) of you said that Twilight was the best.
Another 50% (three people) said that BreakingDown Dawn was the best.
Aaaand... 66% (four people) said that they didn't like Twilight. (YEAH! I'm with you guys!)
New poll coming soon. Yay!
So for the first-ever poll on my blog, I polled about... Twilight. (Aaaggghhhh!) I figured, "Hey, everyone's read Twilight, so I'll talk about it! Whee!"
Epic failure.
But hey, you guys voted on the poll anyway! YEAH!!
Also, for this poll, the results might be a little skewed, because I made it possible to pick more than one option. I probably won't do that in the future, but I dunno. It all depends on the poll question, the mood I'm in, how much caffeine I've consumed in the past 24 hours... you know, the usual.
Question: Which out of the Twilight series did you think was best?
16% of superpollers (1 person) said that they've never read the series, so they didn't know. (Consider yourself lucky.)
33% (two) of you guys said that New Moon was the best.
33% (two) said that Eclipse was the best. (WHY?! It was so pointless! Bleah!)
50% (three) of you said that Twilight was the best.
Another 50% (three people) said that Breaking
Aaaand... 66% (four people) said that they didn't like Twilight. (YEAH! I'm with you guys!)
New poll coming soon. Yay!
Like a NINJA.
Okay, so right now I'm- WHOA WHOA WHOA. Stop the music. Blogger totally changed the Compose A Post So Random Strangers Can Read About Your Personal Life format.
Um. Well... now this is awkward.
It just goes to show how ADD/ADHD I can be. (And technically, ADD and ADHD are the same thing... I think?)
Anyway, it's 10 PM and I am sneaking online like a ninja. (Hence the post title.) Also... I have nothing to blog about. Seriously. Nothing. At. ALL. I feel so un-creative. It's not just writer's block, it's flipping creativity block.
Oh, well. At least tomorrow I get late-start-day. Plus I can read this blog. (Sorta-warning: Blog in said link contains strong language. Heheheh, I said "strong language." WHOA I'M TALKING LIKE AN OLD PERSON WAIT HOW DID THAT HAPPEN HUH- wait. Erm... anyway, there's some language and mentions of "adult themes" (heheh, I said "adult themes"), because the blogger is, well, an adult. But it's really freaking hilarious, so if you don't mind some language, check it out!)
(I thought of something to blog about just now. AHAHAHA. I win.)
I think if I ever meet Kat (who writes that blog), I'd totally spaz out (even though she lives on the other side of the country and it'll never happen because that would be ridiculous). I'm not sure how it's possible for a single human being to be that incredibly hilarious.
Wait, is it possible to monitor site traffic and see who links to you and stuff? If that's possible... um... well. Hi, Kat. You probably think I'm a complete creeper now. No worries, I'm not. Heh. Heheh. HEHEHEHEH.
By the way, OMG KAT you're so cool I read your blog all the time and I feel really behind because there are all those posts from like two years ago but I didn't even know you existed HAHAHAHA ISN'T THAT FUNNY oh and also I love your SparkNotes articles and I'm going to stop talking now so I don't make an even bigger idiot of myself
If that's not possible... I feel like a dork now.
And with that, I end the post.
Um. Well... now this is awkward.
It just goes to show how ADD/ADHD I can be. (And technically, ADD and ADHD are the same thing... I think?)
Anyway, it's 10 PM and I am sneaking online like a ninja. (Hence the post title.) Also... I have nothing to blog about. Seriously. Nothing. At. ALL. I feel so un-creative. It's not just writer's block, it's flipping creativity block.
Oh, well. At least tomorrow I get late-start-day. Plus I can read this blog. (Sorta-warning: Blog in said link contains strong language. Heheheh, I said "strong language." WHOA I'M TALKING LIKE AN OLD PERSON WAIT HOW DID THAT HAPPEN HUH- wait. Erm... anyway, there's some language and mentions of "adult themes" (heheh, I said "adult themes"), because the blogger is, well, an adult. But it's really freaking hilarious, so if you don't mind some language, check it out!)
(I thought of something to blog about just now. AHAHAHA. I win.)
I think if I ever meet Kat (who writes that blog), I'd totally spaz out (even though she lives on the other side of the country and it'll never happen because that would be ridiculous). I'm not sure how it's possible for a single human being to be that incredibly hilarious.
Wait, is it possible to monitor site traffic and see who links to you and stuff? If that's possible... um... well. Hi, Kat. You probably think I'm a complete creeper now. No worries, I'm not. Heh. Heheh. HEHEHEHEH.
If that's not possible... I feel like a dork now.
And with that, I end the post.
Saturday, May 8, 2010
Oh my goodness.
<-- Look! It's... The Red Pyramid! AAAHHHHHHHHHH!!
In case you haven't noticed, I'm quite excited about this. I mean, I've only waited a YEAR for another Rick Riordan book. Now, I suppose I should give this a proper review...
Rick Riordan, the author of the Percy Jackson and the Olympians series, has just released a new book (and by "just released," I mean "four days ago")- The Red Pyramid, the first book of a planned series, The Kane Chronicles. Instead of centering on Greek mythology, this series focuses on the Egyptian gods and mythology.
Carter and Sadie Kane have lived apart since their mother's death six years ago. Carter travels the world with their father, a renowned Egyptologist, while Sadie lives in London with their grandparents. They almost never see each other and have almost nothing in common... until one day, their father takes them to the British Museum. He summons a mysterious, glowing figure, which in turn blows up the museum and makes their father disappear.
Carter and Sadie both know that they have to save their father, but there's a factor neither of them expected. The ancient Egyptian gods are rising, and one- Set- has his own plans for the fate of the world. On top of that, the ancient magicians of the House of Life decide to reveal themselves. Now Carter and Sadie have a nice list of things to do:
* Save their father
* Stop Set from carrying out his plans
* Get the House of Life to stop trying to kill them
* Save the world
When you read this, you will definitely NOT be disappointed. :D
Friday, May 7, 2010
Always in a hurry
It seems like I'm always in a hurry.
Take today, for instance. I get up, expecting a nice, leisurely Friday in which I happen to have no school (faculty meetings FTW). I plan on getting up sometime between 10:00 and 11:00. After that, all I want is to finish up The Red Pyramid (new Rick Riordan release! AHHHH), do my history assignment, and after that... not much. Toss another post up here, check Goodreads, see if I won a Friday Award, watch some Avatar: The Last Airbender. All in all, a nice, relaxing day.
Did I get it?
Of course not! That would be much too easy.
Instead, my mom forces me to get up at 9:30, then do history homework as fast as possible because WE MUST GO SHOPPING RIGHT NOW. (Still not done, even though it is now... 4:54.) After that, we picked up my sister from school (not bad), but then I suddenly have to rush to finish homework because... we're going out to dinner with my parents' friend? What?! WHY did no one tell me this?
Because that would be MUCH TOO EASY.
Sometimes I think my parents say to each other, "Hey, let's ask [insert friend's name here] to dinner on Friday. We should tell Nightshade, since today is Wednesday... nah, let's just tell her thirty minutes before [friend] gets to the house! And we know that she NEVER has any plans for herself! No, never! Why would she do that? She's a teenager! Teenagers don't do anything except eat, sleep, and go to school!"
So now I have to go finish my history assignment before my parents' friend gets here. No worries, I'll be back to the usual upbeat/chipper/happy/joyous/thrilling/uplifting/inspiring posts tomorrow, as always.
Take today, for instance. I get up, expecting a nice, leisurely Friday in which I happen to have no school (faculty meetings FTW). I plan on getting up sometime between 10:00 and 11:00. After that, all I want is to finish up The Red Pyramid (new Rick Riordan release! AHHHH), do my history assignment, and after that... not much. Toss another post up here, check Goodreads, see if I won a Friday Award, watch some Avatar: The Last Airbender. All in all, a nice, relaxing day.
Did I get it?
Of course not! That would be much too easy.
Instead, my mom forces me to get up at 9:30, then do history homework as fast as possible because WE MUST GO SHOPPING RIGHT NOW. (Still not done, even though it is now... 4:54.) After that, we picked up my sister from school (not bad), but then I suddenly have to rush to finish homework because... we're going out to dinner with my parents' friend? What?! WHY did no one tell me this?
Because that would be MUCH TOO EASY.
Sometimes I think my parents say to each other, "Hey, let's ask [insert friend's name here] to dinner on Friday. We should tell Nightshade, since today is Wednesday... nah, let's just tell her thirty minutes before [friend] gets to the house! And we know that she NEVER has any plans for herself! No, never! Why would she do that? She's a teenager! Teenagers don't do anything except eat, sleep, and go to school!"
So now I have to go finish my history assignment before my parents' friend gets here. No worries, I'll be back to the usual upbeat/chipper/happy/joyous/thrilling/uplifting/inspiring posts tomorrow, as always.
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