
Friday, October 22, 2010

Short stories!

"No, I swear this is my blog! I didn't steal the story! I put up an excerpt because I'm desperate and need to promote myself! Really, I'm that pathetic!"

Not going to work so great.

Moving on...


Today my friend asked someone to homecoming. He remembered the note and which locker was hers... yet neglected to bring a flower.

"I'll just bring it on Monday," he said.

"Then hurry up and take the note out before she comes," I said. "Just give her the note and the flower together on Monday when you bring it."


"Why not?"

"Because I want to give her the note now," he said, like it was the most obvious thing in the world. I rolled my eyes.

"But it would make much more sense to take it out now," I reasoned, "because then you can give it to her all together and it'll be all nice and pretty."

"Nah, I'll just give it to her on Monday."


Too late to back out now; she just walked up.

At least she said yes. :D


In the girls' bathroom on the second floor, there's been an Out of Order sign on one of the stalls for a little over a week. I don't know why they haven't fixed it yet, but today I walked in and saw that someone had penciled in:

The Chamber of Secrets has been opened
Enemy of the heir, BEWARE

I changed "enemy" to "enemies" and ran away giggling.

My school is so awesome.


  1. ^LIKE. I know people like to vandalize things in bathrooms, but that actually makes sense. Epic. :D

  2. Heh, thanks. :) Also, it was just a piece of paper that someone printed out with "OUT OF ORDER" on it, and the HP thing was all in pencil... so in theory, someone could erase it.

    But no one would erase it, because I don't think there's anyone at my school who's actually that jerky.


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