
Friday, October 22, 2010

Late-night posting once more

Yeah, so, the last two posts I've written (this one and the stream of consciousness one) have definitely been written between the hours of 11 PM and 1 AM. I hope this isn't a trend. My writing tends to become slightly incoherent after 11:30. But anyway...



In case you've been living under a rock, moved to the plains of Siberia, or are just plain stupid (sorry, dude) and don't know what NaNoWriMo is...

NaNoWriMo is short for National Novel Writing Month (also known as "November," strangely). It's when a bunch of really insane writers get together and commit to writing a 50,000-word novel in one month (from November 1 to November 30).

Are we crazy? Yes.

Committed? You bet.

Suicidal? Not quite.

I'm participating for the FIRST TIME EVAR this year (not a typo). OMG YOU GUYS I AM SO PUMPED THIS IS GOING TO BE SO COOL OMG WRITING YAAAAY *majestic arm-flailing*

Brigid, my writing hero/fellow Goodreadser/Wrimo is participating, too, except this isn't her first year. She's also about eight thousand times better at writing than I am, so go check out her stuff, because she's amazing.

If you're as completely insane as I and the thousands of other Wrimos are, go check out the super duper official NaNo website and SIGN UP NOW, because it's going to be really fun. Like, really really fun. Like, more fun than taking a garden hose and helium balloons to a bouncehouse.*

And on that note, I'm going to bed. Next time I'll try to post while it's still light outside (which actually might be impossible, because it was dark ALL DAY today on account of the freaky rain weather).

See? Making no sense at all.


*Not that you would suck the helium or anything, you little chipmunk, you.


  1. Oh wow, I know quite a few people who are participating in that. I know it's quite demanding. Good Luck!!! :D


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