
Monday, February 28, 2011


Yes, that was meant to sound wrong.


So I got this lovely comment from the amazingly hilarious jtjuvenile (DIDIGETYOURNAMERIGHT? Or should I call you Jessica instead?) and thought it would be a nice opportunity to procrastinate write a new blog post!

"You can't roll your "R"s? Time for some palm contact, 'cause I can't either. *five*"

Why, no, I cannot. I am for some reason completely incapable of making that funny little R noise with my tongue.  My mom and sister in particular have attempted to teach me countless times, but nothing works. I'm just a failure. Is this something that can be taught? Because while I can't roll my R's, I can't properly imitate my friend's accent and the amazing way she says "hamburger" when she's really excited. (When she gets excited, her accent gets thicker.)

But that's okay because in the meantime, while I'm failing, I get to talk to my friend and he'll sit there rolling his R's smugly while I pseudo-glare and concentrate really hard on are his eyes really as blue as everyone says they are? (Because my friend just told me that and I never paid attention, dangit. I should have a long time ago. Like, last year. But whatever.) (Perhaps I should change my mental status from "I don't know if I like him or not" to "Yeah I kinda already do." Because I think my subconscious already changed it for me.)

I think maybe I should decide soon, because in the meantime it's kind of awkward to glare at a certain name in my list of online Skype contacts and think very angry questions concerning his whereabouts during seventh period, during which he's usually in the library panicking about chem with the rest of us.


I think maybe I'll hide this post later on, when my hormones stop flailing around like I just chugged an entire can of Monster. Not that I have ever done that. (Seriously, I actually haven't.)

Friday, February 25, 2011


I realize I have been horribly neglectful to this blog.

Notice how the orange coordinates with my blog theme. *gestures wildly*

Not much has been happening, unfortunately, except for a few memorable Skype conversations and one particularly hilarious seventh period (which was only on Tuesday). It mainly consisted of:

- Finishing the chem lab in a panicked hurry
- Procrastinating on finishing the chem lab, even though it was due in ONE HOUR OMG
- My friends discovering I couldn't roll my R's, and then flaunting their prowess at rolling aforementioned consonants
- Laughing so hard we couldn't breathe
- A slight inability to hear, on account of my cold ("slight" meaning "if you whisper you look like you are just moving your lips for no particular reason"), which was inconvenient because we were in the library
- A lot of other stuff that was "you had to be there" inside-jokey material

So yeah. I'll start posting more often.