I realize I have been horribly neglectful to this blog.
Notice how the orange coordinates with my blog theme. *gestures wildly*
Not much has been happening, unfortunately, except for a few memorable Skype conversations and one particularly hilarious seventh period (which was only on Tuesday). It mainly consisted of:
- Finishing the chem lab in a panicked hurry
- Procrastinating on finishing the chem lab, even though it was due in ONE HOUR OMG
- My friends discovering I couldn't roll my R's, and then flaunting their prowess at rolling aforementioned consonants
- Laughing so hard we couldn't breathe
- A slight inability to hear, on account of my cold ("slight" meaning "if you whisper you look like you are just moving your lips for no particular reason"), which was inconvenient because we were in the library
- A lot of other stuff that was "you had to be there" inside-jokey material
So yeah. I'll start posting more often.
So I saw your username on the OT and I followed your link here.
ReplyDeleteYou can't roll your "R"s? Time for some palm contact, 'cause I can't either. *five*
oh, and this is jtjuvenile, btw. (:
ReplyDeleteOH HEY THERE *restrains self from using chatspeak*
ReplyDeleteNO WAY. *high fives* (This was going to be a very long comment, but I shall turn it into a new post. Yay!) Heh, I was wondering how you got here. Ah, well. I've started stalking a bunch of Sparklers' blogs because everyone follows each other. Now I have one more! :D You're hilarious, btw. Just read yours. XD