So I got this lovely comment from the amazingly hilarious jtjuvenile (DIDIGETYOURNAMERIGHT? Or should I call you Jessica instead?) and thought it would be a nice opportunity to
"You can't roll your "R"s? Time for some palm contact, 'cause I can't either. *five*"
Why, no, I cannot. I am for some reason completely incapable of making that funny little R noise with my tongue. My mom and sister in particular have attempted to teach me countless times, but nothing works. I'm just a failure. Is this something that can be taught? Because while I can't roll my R's, I can't properly imitate my friend's accent and the amazing way she says "hamburger" when she's really excited. (When she gets excited, her accent gets thicker.)
I think maybe I'll hide this post later on, when my hormones stop flailing around like I just chugged an entire can of Monster. Not that I have ever done that. (Seriously, I actually haven't.)