
Wednesday, November 24, 2010

DVDs and word counts

And today, in breaking news:

  • I got The Last Airbender on DVD! YAAAAAY. The outtakes are completely hilarious. It has a ton of clips of people A) dancing, B) running into things, and C) dancing some more.
  • I'm only 11,445 words behind on my NaNo. Ack. o_O
  • But that means I'm at 28,545 words and it's only 6:13! WOO!
  • If I don't win NaNo, I will fail at life.
No screencap because I'm busy juggling Write or Die (best anti-procrastination site ever, btw) and Skyping my friend. SO! Faretheewell, fellow bloggers.

1 comment:

  1. Outtakes. Yummeh.
    Did you like the movie? I thought it was alright...


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