Take a look around at this lovely blog. *waves hands around like a Wheel of Fortune letter-screen girl* I changed the template! Sooo... what do you think of it? Love it? Hate it? Think it's too orange? Does it burn your retinas with its total orangeness? (I hope not.) Let me know! Just shoot me a comment and tell meeeee! DO IT NOW.
Also, I put up a nice little poll in the sidebar. It's right under Spirit (the fox) and right above the list of books I've talked about so far. I didn't know what to put, but then I thought, "Hey, I'll poll about something everyone knows about!" Hence the Twilightness. But no worries, fellow Anti-Twilighters: I put an option to click if you don't like Twilight. (Like me.) So go vote! Whee!
This is late but I think it's PRETTTTYYYY!!!!