
Thursday, December 23, 2010


I don't care about being politically correct; I don't care if I "offend" anymore; I don't care what anyone else thinks, because I refuse to say "happy holidays" and I'll scream MERRY CHRISTMAS to the entire world.

...that was kind of an emo bit for such a happy salutation.

But seriously, if I'm Christian and I celebrate Christmas, I have the right to wish people a merry Christmas, regardless of what they celebrate. I live in a free country; I can say what I want. I respect the fact that not everyone is Christian and might not celebrate Christmas. They might celebrate Hannukah (did I spell that right?) or Kwanzaa (does anyone know someone who actually celebrates that? I've never met anyone who does), but I'll still say "Merry Christmas" instead of "Happy Holidays."

On the radio I heard the host wish everyone happy holidays... and then add a "Merry Christmas" at the end before returning to the regularly scheduled Christmas music. I haven't heard or seen anyone else do this, though. All the companies try as hard as they can to be politically correct or religiously tolerant (or whatever) and say "Happy Holidays" instead of "Merry Christmas."

I might as well go with "Happy Christmahannukwanzaa" and be done with it.

Won't be blogging for the next few days; I've Christmasy things to do. :D


  1. Happy Christmahannukwanazaa!

    I usually just say "Happy Quaziggyziggyzam!" and confuse everyone. :P

  2. "Happy Holidays" annoys me so much more because it has political connotations behind it now. -.- Things are simpler and happier and more traditional and not political with "Merry Christmas." Haha, just me though. :D

  3. AMEN!!
    Before Christmas, I heard on the radio this Atheist activist saying stuff about how atheists are discriminated against and how it's always Christmas parades and Hanukkah parades and never Winter Solstice parades and the show host was like, "You idiot. This is a free country. If you want a Winter Solstice parade, go out and organize one. No one is stopping you. You can't keep everyone else from celebrating their holidays just because you don't. Then this wouldn't be a free country."


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