
Thursday, August 20, 2009

Super special!!

Yes, you read that title right- this is a super special post! Why, you may be wondering? (You know you are.) Because it has both a book AND a movie review-type-thingy! *confetti explodes from nowhere* *celebratory music*

ANYWAY! I'll get on with the stuff.

What I'm Reading: Specials, by Scott Westerfeld. Specials is the third book in the Uglies series (Uglies is first, Pretties is second, Extras is fourth). In this book, Tally's special... in more ways than one. To most people in her city, they're just a rumor, but now Tally's one of them- an agent of Special Circumstances.

Here at the party's edge, a sticky bit of memory reminded her how she always felt arriving at a bash. [...] Now her mask felt clingy and strange, a barrier separating her from the world. Very unspecial. Her cheeks flashed hot for a second beneath plastic, like a rush of shame.
Shay reached out to squeeze her hand. "Don't worry, Tally-wa."
"They're only uglies," Fausto's whisper sliced through the air. "And we're right here with you." His hand rested on Tally's shoulder, gently pushing her forward.
Tally nodded, hearing the others' slow, calm breaths through the skintenna link. It was just like Shay had promised: The Cutters were connected, an unbreakable clique. She would never be alone again, even when it felt like something was missing inside her. Even when she felt the lack of Zane like head-spinning panic.
She plunged through the branches, following Shay into the flashing lights.

What I'm Watching: Well... okay, I'll let you know that this is TOTALLY unlike me. (Usually, I'm pretty darn girly. Well, in most ways, at least. Not too thrilled about a lot of pink or anything like that- my room is blue. Avoid wearing dresses. But... ah, it's hard to explain. Let's say I'm kinda girly and leave it at that.) But anyway, last night I went to go see G.I. Joe with a bunch of other people from my old school (like, five). I'll admit it- I was expecting it to be totally lame, but I'd stomach it out. But I was pleasantly surprised- it had a valid plotline, but still had about a gajillion explosions. (I think there were at least 200 explosions, but I'm not sure. I forgot to count.) All in all, it was much better than I thought it would be. I'd give it... maybe 3 out of 5 stars? Maybe 3 1/2.

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