
Wednesday, August 18, 2010

In which I complain about various things

So today I started school. I have quite a bit to say about THAT, so I just decided to make a list. It's part of my self-campaign to get my brain out of Don't Give a Crap about Anything Besides Avatar mode and back into Actually Motivated to Do Important Things mode. (This is not helped by the fact that my best friend and all my relatives don't start school for at least another week.)

PRO: We finish school on June 1.

CON: We started today (August 18).

PRO: This year, our first-semester finals are the week before Christmas break, so during break, we don't have to worry about anything.

CON: No more Christmas-induced laziness for a week right before break.

PRO: Shiny blue locker instead of crappy yellow locker.

CON: Shiny blue locker located in most crowded corner of school.

PRO: Chemistry with two people that I actually know very well.

CON: Chemistry. Every day. All year. No breaks.

PRO: Get to see multiple friends again.

CON: Don't have any classes with said friends. Must resort to sitting together in chapel and talking for six minutes at a time between classes.

PRO: Spiffy new backpack (with polka dots, I may add).

CON: Separation anxiety involving myself and old, worn-out, reliable backpack.

PRO: Lots of people to interact with.

CON: Lots of people to interact with.

There's also the added stress of HOMEWORK and AP CLASSES and WAKING UP EARLY, of course. (In case I haven't mentioned this before, I am forced to drag myself out of my immensely comfortable bed at the ungodly hour of 5:45 AM.)

But despite all that, I actually like school.

Now all I have to do is get that book about How to Not Die During AP Chemistry*...

I suddenly miss middle school. A lot.

*If this book actually exists, PLEASE TELL ME. I'll love you. Forever. Platonically, of course.

Saturday, August 7, 2010

Me against the world (or something)

Just now, I had a bit of an epiphany.

When some high schoolers talk about their First Time, they're talking about doing the horizontal naked dance.
When I talk about my First Time, I'm talking about watching Sozin's Comet (season 3 finale of Avatar: The Last Airbender).

When some teenagers think, "Oh, $*%&! Mom found my stash!", they mean drugs.
When I think that, I mean my rapidly growing collection of fanart I've drawn.

When some girls see Jackson Rathbone in a movie, they scream "OH MY GOD, IT'S JASPER!!"
When I see him, I scream "OH MY ROWLING, IT'S SOKKA!!"

A lot of teenagers count their favorite quotes as "So the lion fell in love with the lamb" and "You're my personal brand of heroin."
I count my favorite quotes as "Geeks shall inherit the earth" and "Maybe we can get some giant pots of glue, and then I could gluebend his arms and legs together!" "Yeah, and then we'll show him his baby pictures, and all the happy memories will make him go good again!"

They get excited when they study cell phases because it's the lab Bellaphant does in Twilight.
I get excited because I can identify each stage without checking the bio book.

They get a high from drugs.
I get a high from reading a good book.

At science camp, they hope to meet hot guys.
At science camp, I hope we can kayak wherever we want.

They shriek during bio dissections.
I ask if it's mandatory to wear gloves.

And finally...

They can quote a paragraph of Twilight.
I can recite the entire "The Boy in the Iceberg" play verbatim.

And I, unlike them, know what "verbatim" means, how to use it correctly, a few synonyms and antonyms, and that I should put quotation marks around the word when using it in this context.